
Age 3

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3 Woodland Animals Design Verse: Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

3 Birthday Girl

3, Birthday Girl how old are you? Show me five, now take away two. How many fingers do you see? God's little girl is one, two, three! Inside: Happy Happy Happy Birthday!

3 Getting bigger all can see

3, Getting bigger all can see! That's because you're turning three! Inside: I'm a big 3, Jesus loves me! God made you so wonderfully! Happy Birthday!

3 Monkey & Cake

3 Monkey & Cake Inside: Hope you have a fun filled 3rd birthday!

3 Today Have A Wonderful Day

3 Today Have A Wonderful Day Inside: Sending you a big birthday wish for a very big brilliant 3rd birthday!

You are three today

You are 3 today For a special girl (who's loved very much) on your 3rd birthday. Have a lovely day! Text: God is love. 1 John 4:8 (KJV)