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#More Niteblessings: Further Meditations

This follow-up to Reverend Malcolm Duncan's hugely popular #Niteblessings invites you to encounter God at the end of the day. Each blessing draws you closer into His presence, releasing you from the pressures of the day.

#Niteblessings: Meditations for the end

"For some time now, I have been writing a simple blessing each day. I share it with those who are connected to me on social media. My friends, family and those who journey with me through these avenues have often commented that they would like to see

#Niteblessings: Meditations to close the

Now in its third volume, Reverend Malcolm Duncan's hugely popular #Niteblessings invites you again to encounter God at the close of each day. Each of these blessings offers an opportunity to lay down the burdens of the day and meaningfully engage

1 & 2 Thessalonians

Mayhue's skill in interpreting the text accurately but with humour and modern parallels comes through in this fascinating commentary.

1 & 2 Thessalonians For You

We've been saved by Jesus… so what's next? How do we discern good teaching from bad, what does it look like to grow in holiness, and what should our expectations be for the future? Find answers to those questions in the warm, instructive letters ....

1 & 2 Timothy For You

Paul is reaching the end of his ministry. Timothy needs help in his. And so the apostle writes to his young friend and protege, urging him to guard the gospel, preach the gospel, and live the gospel. Phillip Jensen opens up these letters for us.

1 Corinthians For You

The scope of 1 Corinthians is breathtaking. Paul tackles a huge variety of subjects, and as he does so, he gives us a precious insight into what a local church is (or at least can be).

1 Peter For You

The book of 1 Peter could have been written for our timesa time of antagonism toward biblical ethics, and the marginalization of biblical Christians. Into that cultureour culturePeter speaks of hope and offers joy as he points believers to heaven.

1 Samuel The Coming King

1 Samuel charts the rise and fall of several of Israel's leaders. You'll meet the notoriously arrogant king Saul and see the ascent of the man after God's own heart – David. You'll read of dangerous battles, murder plots, giants and more.

1&2 Thessalonians

The fourth book in our pocket commentary series giving an excellent outline of 1&2 Thessalonians. By going through a study of Thessalonians, you will get a powerful insight into the ministry of the Apostle Paul.

10 Disciplines of a Godly Man

For many people, the word discipline evokes a sense of resistance--but Kent Hughes points out that the heart of spiritual discipline is a relationship with God. This tract gives ten practical areas for a man to grow in spiritual discipline.

10 Discliplines of a Godly Woman

For many people, the word discipline evokes a sense of resistance--but Barbara Hughes points out that the heart of spiritual discipline is a relationship with God. This tract gives ten practical areas for a woman to grow in spiritual discipline.

10 Questions & Answers Jehovah's Witnesses

10 Questions & Answers for Jehovah's Witnesses pamphlet Includes information on: - How the Jehovah's Witnesses began - Prophecies by their leaders - Should God be called "Jehovah"?

10 Questions & Answers Mormonism

What do Mormons teach about Jesus, the Trinity, God, baptism for the dead, and how to be saved? The Latter-Day Saints often use Christian terms, but mean something completely different. This pamphlet will help you sort through the confusion.

100 Best Bible Verses to Overcome Worry

Everyone struggles with worry. You may be wrestling with everyday fears about your relationships or your finances. Or perhaps you're dealing with a life-and-death decision or paralyzing emotions. Regardless of the reasons for your worries, or the deg

100 Devotions Joy

God wants us to see past the distractions and frustrations of the day and instead, find joy. He wants you to have a delight in Him. He reminds us of this joy each and every day, even when the light of the day seems to be hidden in darkness.

100 songs from Martin Smith & Delirious?

History Makers please be aware it is time to grab on to a very cool piece of history. Since 1992 Martin Smith & Delirious? have produced cutting-edge music that has truly changed lives whilst creatively freeing a generation to express themselves.

100 Songs from Matt Redman

100 of the biggest songs from Matt Redman selected by the singer/songwriter himself, over 11 pages of Blogs, worship tips, devotionals, top line lead sheets and lyrics. Includes unique codes to download piano sheet music and guitar charts.

1-2 Peter

Peter's Epistles are a rallying cry for hope. Written to a young church facing intensifying persecution, they showcase the living hope of the gospel even in the midst of trials and tribulation. Join Lydia Brownback as she digs deeper into the book

150 Need to Know Bible Facts

What's really important in the Bible? Find out with 150 Need-to-Know Bible Facts, a powerful new survey of scripture truth featuring a devotional flair.

180 Bible Verses to Experience Peace

Experience Real, Life-Changing Peace God's Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and through it He speaks timeless truths to the issues we face today. The 180 Bible verses in this book will help women grow stronger in faith ..........

2 Corinthians For You

In 2 Corinthians For You, Garry Millar walks readers through the hard truths that Paul sets out in this deeply personal letter. It reveals Paul’s heart for Christ’s wayward “children”—one filled with the true love of Christ.

2,000 Years of Christ's Power Vol. 1: The Age of the Early Church Fathers

Every generation has an uncanny tendency to view themselves as more enlightened than those that have gone before. The Church certainly has made mistakes all through history - and yet, no insights which we possess would be possible without the efforts

24 Colouring Pencils with Bible Verse on each pencil

24 Colouring Pencils with 4 Bible verses used across the pencils. Artist grade.

24 Ways to explain the Gospel

24 Ways to Explain the Gospel contains dozens of word pictures and illustrations that will help you communicate the gospel in ways everyone can understand. In 24 Ways to Explain the Gospel, you will see 24 metaphors from the Bible.