
Meet the team

Meet the Team!

Shetland Christian Bookshop staff and trustees in 2019.  Back from Left to Right: Margaret Henry, Deborah Anderson, Freda Johnson, Aubrey Jamieson, Malcolm Adamson, Eric Peterson, Grizel McGregor, Anita Keith and Jessica Johnson.  Front from Left to Right: Kerry Peterson, previous manager Mary Smith and her husband Nelson, Lois Lewis.

Anita Keith – Anita joined the team at the Shetland Christian Bookshop in 2012 initially working two days a week whilst continuing her employment as a Daycare Senior in a Christian Care Home.  Anita became a Trustee of the Tanglewood Trust Christian Bookshop in 2016 and when the previous manager Mrs Mary Smith along with her husband Nelson retired from the Bookshop in 2019, Anita took on the role of Manager.  In 2020 Anita took redundancy from her other work and has been able to dedicate more time to run and develop the bookshop to where it is today.  Anita goes to the Sound Gospel Hall in Lerwick and is involved in much of the activities there and is also keenly involved with the Shetland Christian Youth Camp.

Deborah Anderson – Deborah became a volunteer in 2018 and subsequently joined the board of Trustees in 2019.  Deborah helps out at least once a week and is also keen to take the bookshop out to bookstalls.  Deborah is part of the fellowship meeting at Ebenezer Hall in Lerwick.  She is married to Maurice, has 3 grown-up children and she loves spending time with her 8 grandchildren.  Deborah is a busy lady involved with various groups and when she does have the occasional spare time, loves gardening and walking.

Freda Johnson – Freda travels down to the shop from Muckle Roe, where she lives with her husband Jim.  They have 4 grown-up children and 11 grandchildren. Freda has been volunteering in the shop for a couple of years now.  Freda particularly enjoys when new stock comes in and finds it tempting not to buy it before it goes on display!  In her spare time, Freda knits and has recently set up a Knitting Group who knit garments which are sent out to missionaries.  Freda also has an interest in Family History research.

Grizel McGregor – Grizel has been a volunteer at the bookshop for more than 10 years.  Grizel lives on the Westside of Shetland with her husband Duncan and she is a mother to two grown-up sons and she has 5 grandchildren. Grizel is an avid reader and she also enjoys working away in her garden. Grizel goes along to the Reawick Congregational Church.

Jessica Johnson – Originally from Sri Lanka, Jessica came across to help out at the Shetland Christian Youth Camp, where she met her future husband, Neil!  Neil & Jessica live in Lerwick with their two young children.  Jessica helps with the accounts and payroll at the bookshop.  In her spare time, Jessica loves exploring cuisine and is particularly good at authentic Sri Lankan cooking!  Jessica is currently studying for a masters degree in English and eventually hopes to be an English tutor.

Lois Lewis – Lois has been one of our main volunteers since 2015, working two days every week.  Lois lives in Sandwick, is married to Richard and they have 3 children and two grandchildren.  Lois particularly enjoys getting to meet so many different people when they come into the shop. Lois likes to walk and potter about in her garden.

Mairi Graham – Mairi first worked in the shop back in 2000 until 2009.  Mairi came back as a volunteer in 2020 and has taken no time to get back into the swing of things.  Originally from Wick, Mairi now lives in Tingwall and she attends the fellowship at Ebenezer Hall in Lerwick.  When she is not at the shop, Mairi likes to keep active walking and pilates, she enjoys reading and loves spending time with her cat: Precious. Mairi also helps out with other local voluntary organisations.

Margaret Henry – Margaret who started working in the shop in 2009 is part of the fellowship who meet at the Gospel Hall in Scalloway, the village where she lives with her husband Alastair.  Margaret and Alastair have 4 children and 2 little grandchildren who Margaret loves to babysit.  Margaret who is a keen gardener also enjoys walking, knitting and is interested in history.  Margaret and Alastair have a holiday let and they particularly enjoy meeting visitors from all over the world.

John Yianni - John Yianni is a keen supporter of the Shetland Christian Bookshop.  John makes himself very useful in varied ways, including; moving heavier items, carrying out deliveries and entertaining visitors at the shop!  


Anita Keith - See profile above

Aubrey Jamieson - Aubrey has been a Trustee of the Tanglewood Trust Christian Bookshop since 2006.  He lives in Lerwick with his wife Carol, and they have three grown up children who have all fled the nest.  Aubrey is a deacon at the Lerwick Baptist Church and he is the Superintendent of the local branch of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen. Aubrey is dedicated to spreading the gospel whether it be through the mission work,  the many funerals he conducts or preforming with his brothers in their band: 'North Ness Boys'.

Deborah Anderson - see profile above

Eric Peterson - Eric has been a Trustee since 1997. Eric is a solicitor in Lerwick where he lives with his wife Moira.  Eric and Moira have two grown children who live down on the Scottish Mainland.  Like Aubrey, Eric is a deacon at the Lerwick Baptist Church where he is involved in many of the church activities. In his spare time, Eric enjoys walking and exploring the Shetland Islands, no matter the weather!  Eric is an avid reader and loves to travel. He has visited many European countries as well as a few further afield!

Malcolm Adamson - Malcolm has been a stalwart of the Tanglewood Trust Christian Bookshop since the early 1970s.  He was instrumental in the rebuild of the current premises.  Since then, Malcolm has been responsible for the maintenance and ever continual development of the building.  His commitment, skills, abilities and willingness have been consistent over many years.  Malcolm is a retired BT engineer who lives in Cunningsburgh with his wife Liz.  They have two sons and a daughter, and three grandchilren.  Malcolm is an elder at the Cunningsburgh United Free Church where he is active both spiritually and practically.  Malcolm and his twin Billy own a small fishing boat and since their retirements love nothing more than being on the sea catching fish - that is if they are not working on building projects!

Paul Williamson - Paul is the newest Trustee joining the team in 2019. He previously was a fisherman, then worked in a retail environment. More recently he retrained, changing his career path and now works in Social Care.  He lives in Lerwick with his wife Morag and they have two children and four little granchildren.  Paul and Morag are members at the Lerwick Baptist Church. Paul is also a member of Good News For Everyone (previously Gideons International). He still enjoys fishing when opportunity allows and enjoys some sporting activities too.